Power to Finish Strong and Keep Going

Finish Strong

Regardless of how your 2013 has been, you can always finish the year strong!  I understand that this is the time of year for reflections and resolutions, but join me in following a new approach encouraged by Apostle Paul…

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended:
but this one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark
for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
–Philippians 3:13-14

…forgetting those things which are behind

The “Paul” approach requires you to forget all the mistakes and disappointments of your past. Purge everything that is behind, even memories of the “good ol’ days.” They are no longer needed.  Forgetting is much easier when you replace the past with thoughts of hope and joyful expectations of the future.  You will discover many amazing promises when looking forward in the Word of God!

Here is one of my favorites…

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them,
With men this is impossible;
but with God all things are possible.
– Matthew 19:26

You must also remove the load of shame, condemnation, bitterness, selfishness, lack, regret and anything else that you’ve been carrying.  Dismiss old philosophies, traditions and mindsets contrary to God and His word.   Stop engaging in activities that may harm you.  Envision yourself brand new, healthy and beloved each day.  This is how God sees you when you receive the free gift of salvation.

No more dwelling on the hurt and pain others may have caused.  No more speaking words of anger or despair.  Dark sorrow has no room in the bright days of your future.  Your past is not allowed to carry over into your new future.  It is time to remember no more.  Forgive everyone, including yourself, and prepare for a fresh anointing!

The past is over and nothing…
absolutely nothing from the past
is necessary for your new life ahead

…reaching forth unto the things which are before

Believe that the best is yet to come!  Your true purpose, joy, power and good success is before you!  God’s promises, found in His Word, will comfort and strengthen you as you end this year.  It will also encourage you to press towards the prize of God’s love, truth and blessings through Christ Jesus.  If you are interested in reading more on this subject, I would like to share some of the writings that have transformed my way of thinking this year and encouraged me to finish strong:

  1. Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine  by Max Lucado
  2. Battlefield of the Mind  by Joyce Meyer
  3. Power Thoughts  by Joyce Meyer
  4. Live Long, Finish Strong  by Gloria Copeland
  5. Power Over All: A 52-Week Guide to Victorious Living  by Akilah Grant
    (This is a sincere plug –  I consistently refer to my book for blog inspiration and spiritual motivation)

Friend, I pray that 2014 is your year of victory!
May the power and love of God be present in every area of your life!
Believe and have no fear of the future.
Finish strong and reach forth toward Him!
In Jesus Name, Amen.

I love you and thank you so much for your support this year!
Receive 20% off a print copy of Power Over All when ordered through this site using code – 8JBNME56 – until the end of December 2013.