Power Over Your Enemy

Power Over The Enemy

What does your enemy look like?  An enemy, for this purpose, is defined as anything that harms you and opposes the righteousness of God.  Does your enemy disguise itself through an emotion, circumstance or habit?

Emotions are perfectly normal, but if they are not controlled they begin to rule over you and your decision making.  Unrestrained emotions of anger, bitterness, self-pity, greed and fear are very dangerous.  Unchecked, they become an enemy to your spiritual growth.

Circumstances of life can be overwhelming at times.  An unexpected tragedy, an illness, or an end of a serious relationship can attempt to separate you from the love of God.  If they isolate you, they steal your confidence and become an enemy to your faith.

Habits can be good for you.  However, those such as lying, gluttony, procrastination and addictions are detrimental.  Bad habits keep you in bondage and become an enemy to your anointing.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you. – Luke 10:19

Meditating on the word of God will combat the escalation of negative emotions.  Daily fellowship with Him can transform bad habits into good ones.  Using every circumstance of life to draw you closer to God provides wisdom for victory in that situation.  When you are with God, you have power over all the ways the enemy may show up in your life.  In addition, nothing will hurt you no matter how intimidating it may first appear.  

Rejoice, you have the power to dominate over any enemy!

If you want to learn more about your power over the enemy go to Week 4: You Are Anointed in the Power Over All book.