The Power of Peace

Can we count on you to introduce peace to a situation or personal interaction?  Are others at ease after having an encounter with you?  This decade has initiated complex challenges, especially to our spiritual and emotional state, and those of our family and friends.  Most of us would appreciate a moment of peace during these chaotic and uncertain times.  As we look to the future, an ongoing test will be our ability to promote and maintain a peaceful life. 

If possible, to the best of your ability,
live at peace with all people.
– Romans 12:18 (Common English Bible)

Making peace with others requires a discipline of emotions, a regulation of the tongue, and a heart to forgive.  Making peace with unexpected circumstances requires a shift in focus, innovations for change, and strong faith.  You can be free from anything that attempts to steal your peace:  fear, anxiety, anger, frustration or past regrets.  Peace provides a freedom from negativity, oppression, stress and conflict.  It is so vital for your victorious living and personal well-being.  

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
– Matthew 5:9 (New International Version)

Blessed [spiritually calm with life-joy in God’s favor] 
are the makers and maintainers of peace,
for they will [express His character and] 

be called the sons of God.
– Matthew 5:9 (Amplified Bible)

You may ask…”Do I have the power to make and maintain peace?”  Yes! You can have peace not only with others, but peace within yourself.  There is One who can show you how.  Now is a perfect time to make acquaintance with Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  There is no need for social distancing with Him.  He wants to be close with you to provide shelter against life disturbances.  He desires to restore and promote you to a new level of joy. The more time you spend with Him, the more love and power will increase in your life.  Friend, access the power of peace today!

Special Note: You may like Psalms 91 for meditation

Undaunted Power


Are you in need of a little power to finish the year? Feeling over it…overwhelmed, overladen and overdue?  The end of a decade is drawing near.  Although you may be weary, you are never alone.  There is unconditional love and supernatural strength readily available.  You are still here and perfectly positioned for a new season of blessings.  Now is the time to be undaunted!

UNDAUNTED | not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, fear or disappointment

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God

will be with you wherever you go.
– Joshua 1:9 (New International Version)

Current situations can block out the light of the finish line.  During these times, you may have to rely solely on faith to keep pressing forward. No looking back. Some days, you can only take one step.  Some days you may need to rest.  Continue to focus on the promises of God to build your strength and go forward.  Ask your Heavenly Father for insight on how to navigate the journey.  He will always answer and remain with you.

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever—
– John 14:16 (Amplified Bible)

As this year comes to a close, remember…you are undaunted!  Get ready to experience victorious living in the next!  I love you and thank you for all your support in 2019!  

Power of Gratitude

Have you ever felt the uplifting force of gratitude? Sincere appreciation for little, everyday experiences positively transform your mood and demeanor.  It dismantles toxic emotions.  It overpowers feelings of doubt and despair.  Gratitude can shift the energy to enhance your life.

Let the peace of Christ
[the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him]
be the controlling factor in your hearts
[deciding and settling questions that arise].
To this peace indeed you were called as members in one body [of believers].
And be thankful [to God always]. 
– Colossians 3:15 (Amplified Bible Version)

According to MindValley Academy, “Every study done on the subject of gratitude research has indisputable evidence that gratitude benefits our bodies, minds and souls.”  You may have experienced a feeling of joy or peace while reflecting on the simple things for which you are grateful.  Regardless of your circumstance, gratitude ushers in a positive power to change your life. 

Of the many benefits, I would like to share a few that are personal to me.  


gives you mental strength to overcome obstacles

guards against depression

squashes fear and anxiety

improves sleep and overall well-being

enhances your recovery time after physical and emotional trauma

guides your focus on a positive future and ushers in hope

completely changes your perspective on a situation

connects you to your Heavenly Father more intimately

reminds you of how much you are loved

is the prelude to peace and joy

Today is the perfect day to practice gratitude and experience its transformative power in your life!

Meet Your Power Coach

A namtag sticker with the words Hello I Am Your Coach to represe

Searching for the perfect life coach or business mentor for 2018?  Ready to turn big dreams into reality?
Well, look no further.  Allow me to introduce your new power coach

…your Heavenly Father! 
You can experience the sweet success and undeniable results that come only from a proven leader.  He is a Creator, a Provider and a Finisher.  He is the ultimate game changer for your life!

The steps of a [good and righteous] man
are directed and established by the Lord,
And He delights in his way [and blesses his path].
– Psalm 37:23 (Amplified Bible)

Equip yourself with a power coach that can help you navigate through the well-meaning recommendations of friends, family and internet advisors.  He can steer you away from dead-end paths void of fulfillment as well as, paths that cannot accommodate all your inner talents and secret desires.  He can equip you with boldness over fear and confidence over uncertainty.   Anything is possible with Him!  He can open doors and create new partnerships that no one else can.  And unlike other coaches, He can provide refuge and restoration from unexpected catastrophes that derail even the best-laid plans.  Above all, God is not a procrastinator, money-waster or promise-breaker.

Delight thyself also in the Lord:
and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
– Psalm 37:4

Your Heavenly Father knows all about you, so experience more of Him in 2018.  Trust and allow Him to call the shots in every area of your life.  The best part is when God is directing you; He empowers you with wisdom, favor and supernatural abilities!  He will guide, inspire, and bless you beyond measure!

This year, get to know your power coach and elevate your life to a new level of delight!

The Power Behind Money

money in the wallet (2)Do you handle your money or does money handle you?

Although some people feel empowered by it, money by itself has no power.  When it comes into the hands of a human, it will carry out the motives of the spirit within its possessor.

In other words: If you are wicked, sneaky, bitter or stingy, so will your money be.  In contrast, if you are compassionate, generous, wise or strategic, so will your money be.  Your money will either be controlled by an evil force or a Godly one.  Money gets its power from whatever spiritual force that is influencing you.

But people who are trying to get rich fall into temptation.
They are trapped by many stupid and harmful passions
that plunge people into ruin and destruction.
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
Some have wandered away from the faith and have impaled themselves
with a lot of pain because they made money their goal.
– 1 Timothy 6:9-10 (Common English Bible)

I had to learn hard lessons on how to handle my money.  First, I had to trust that God is my total provision.  No longer would I allow wrong influences to alter my values and character to obtain wealth.  Here are some past examples:

  • Turn a blind eye to those who were mean to others to protect my income flow
  • Engage in activities that did not agree with my spirit for the potential to make more money
  • Befriend or date someone based on their perceived “money status”
  • Tolerate “mess” because money was involved and to be gained
  • Pretend, instead of being my true self, for financial promotion

Even in today’s modern society of enlightenment, you and I witness evil influences causing humans to act in the following ways:

  • Lie, steal or cheat others for notoriety and monetary bribes
  • Judge and oppress the less fortunate for increase
  • Sell themselves or others for sex, slavery, abuse, etc.
  • Marry, Uproot or Divorce their family solely for financial gain
  • Kill people or animals for blood money
  • Reject God in order to engage in deplorable acts for immense wealth

Understand that the last days will be dangerous times.
People will be selfish and love money.
They will be the kind of people who brag and who are proud.
They will slander others, and they will be disobedient to their parents.
They will be ungrateful, unholy, unloving, contrary, and critical.
They will be without self-control and brutal, and they won’t love what is good.

They will be people who are disloyal, reckless, and conceited.
They will love pleasure instead of loving God.
They will look like they are religious but deny God’s power.
Avoid people like this. – 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (Common English Bible)

There is nothing wrong with having an abundance of money.  The final result depends on what power lies behind it and how you manage or “handle” it.  You may desire to be rich and to use money as a means to fund mission projects and aid others.  You can do great things and impact the world with significant monetary resources.  However… Money is a tool, not a Savior.

Friend, know that only God can provide all the things money tries to buy.  Money can buy the best medicine, but only God provides ultimate healing.  Money can buy you status and companionship, but only God can provide unconditional love and joy.  Money can buy you a nice car, but only God provides your daily life to enjoy the ride. Your Heavenly Father wants to fulfill all of your needs.  You will never have to devalue yourself to increase with Him!  Trust that His ways always lead you to an abundant, peaceful and successful life that you can handle.  Allow God to be the power and influence behind your money!

Power Check-up

Ready for a great start to 2017?


The direction and speed of your forward progress is closely related to the strength of your spirit. This core aspect of wellness proves critical for victorious living! If you are like me, you are ready to grow, excel and live with more energy and power than ever before!

Okay then…it is time for a quick check-up! Let’s take a look at two main organs.

The Heart
Your heart pumps life to the entire body. Whatever your heart is filled with, that is what will be running through your veins. This year, your heart can flow freely with love and power! Now is the time to eliminate these emotional plaques that clog your spiritual arteries:

•  Regret
•  Bitterness
•  Shame
•  Sorrow
•  Jealousy
•  Anger
•  Hatred
•  Unforgiveness  (The Big Blockage)

You can unclog by exercising fun and laughter. Adopt a consistent lifestyle of thanksgiving in the midst of any life situation. Ingest spiritual super food with a daily dose of the living Word of God. Practice this new regime and you are on the path to a healthy, strong heart!

Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart,
all ye that hope in the Lord. – Psalm 31:24

The Mind
Your mind is the control center of your life. Where it wanders, you will go. Often times, a mind without direction will create a chaotic state. Top it off with frustration and it can provoke you into depression, anxiety, bipolar and other mental disorders. This is not what God desires for you.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power,
and of love, and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7

For your mind renewal, here are a few tips that can also help when feeling overwhelmed:

  • Shift your focus away from the distractions of the world. Take a break from social media, television, news and drama. Trust that God will take care of all things in your life, for your good and in His perfect timing.
  • Enjoy a daily mental break to relax, reflect and be still. Take deep breaths. Ahhhh, quiet and calmness. Meditation and prayer are great methods to ease your mind.
  • Re-direct your mind to positive, enriching thoughts. Think on things that bring joy and peace. Go to your “happy place” and speak empowering words to yourself.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee:

because he trusteth in thee. – Isaiah 26:3

You cannot control the outside world. However, you can control what your mind consumes and what your heart retains.  Spiritual wellness is essential to your successful destiny.
Take great care in how you nourish it this year!

Power of Stability

Do you sometimes feel like you are losing your mind?  Is it difficult to focus and stay the course?  Maybe you feel unstable and have reached the limits of your patience.  Don’t fret…you are not alone.  This fast-paced society can inundate you with opinions and options that are not based in truth.  These corrupt philosophies devise stress, division and confusion for all.  You may find yourself living in fear of the worse, although you want to live in faith for the best.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  – James 1:8

The good news is that you can find stability meditating on God’s promises.  His Word never surrenders or diverts from its purpose despite the pressure to conform to modern day culture.  He will never abandon you or disregard your life as terrorists do.  He does not deceive as some politicians do.  His agenda for your life is not hidden.  Your Heavenly Father desires for you to live in pristine physical, spiritual and mental health.  He will never give up on you and His love is eternal no matter what you do.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
– 2 Timothy 1:7

You can experience power, comfort and unconditional love in the midst of chaos.  The Kingdom of God and His Word are permanent, incorruptible and firmly established.  It cannot be shaken or overthrown by any nation.  It is constant and unwavering among a fickle society.  God desires for you to be stable, whole and confident.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty
[Whose power no foe can withstand].
– Psalm 91:1 (Amplified Bible)

Your next move is to discover Him for yourself.  Take time out to hear His perspective.  He knows how to ease your mind and prepare you for your successful future.  When you dwell with God, your life becomes lighter because you increase in Kingdom knowledge and trust in His perfect plan.  No matter what the situation, He is the only one who can ensure that everything works out for your good.
God is the ultimate stabilizer!

Looking for Love

couple walking on beach

Many people are looking for that one true love. A good mate can contribute to a healthy, happy and prosperous life. I am amazed at how far some people will go just to experience love. Opening your heart to love and to be loved by someone special is a very important decision. Who we love is so significant, great care and wisdom should be taken before we proceed.

Consult with the One who is love.

I could have avoided serious heartaches if I only consulted with God before entering into a relationship. I did not understand that He wanted to be the lead in every area of my life, especially my love life. The internet, friends, clubs and social events were once the trusted source for finding companionship. I never thought that God could or would find a mate for me.

God is concerned with who you love and who loves you.

After looking for love in all the wrong places, I finally realized I had to open my heart and trust God.  I shared with Him what I was looking for in the man I would like to marry. No topic was spared…personality, character, height, sexual intimacy, family values, financial acumen, health, hobbies, spirituality, food preferences, physical strength, vocal tone, love language, etc. God listened to all my desires and qualifications. I even wrote them down and confessed them. I was excited and ready to meet this awesome man I had envisioned.  However, the Holy Spirit revealed another step in my quest for love that I had never before considered.

Pray for your mate before you meet them.

Initially, I was unsure how to pray for someone who I did not know even existed. My faith had to believe that this person was real and in need of prayer. I knew of all of his good attributes since I requested them, but I did not consider the areas where he may have weaknesses. Praying for him took the focus away from my desires and taught me a deeper level of compassion. We all are in need of prayer for something and true love covers all. I began to pray for my future husband, trusted God and waited patiently for Him to bring us together.  I know that even the best marriages should be covered in continuous prayer. I am glad God prepared me ahead of time. Prayer is powerful!

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation;
continuing instant in prayer;
distributing to the necessity of saints;
given to hospitality. – Romans 12:12-13

If you are looking for love, I encourage you to consult with God first and begin praying for your future mate. To read more on the power of prayer, go to Week 28: Pray and Give Thanks in the Power Over All book.

Dependent Power

baby hand holding parent hand (2)Are you independent? Tired of relying on people who have let you down…a parent, spouse, business partner or politician? Whoever they are, you want to be liberated from their influence over your life. Being independent provides a sense of freedom from their control and a release from their authority.  Self-reliance compels you to take charge of your own destiny.

This sounds good, but carrying the weight of every decision and provision in life is a heavy burden. Being independent can often breed loneliness, stress or depression due to the heavy mental load. It may cause you to lose your accountability to others.  At some point, independence morphs into some form of interdependence. You and I are designed to be relational and connect with others.

So, who can you depend on?

Your Heavenly Father.

My deliverance and glory depend on God.
God is my strong rock. My refuge is in God.
– Psalm 62:7 (Common English Bible)

Yes, God is dependable in every sense of the word. You can trust Him with every area of your life. He is the Creator of everything. When you depend solely on Him, He reveals the people to connect with, as well as those you should run from. You can rely on His ultimate power for provision and protection.

Dependence on God provides a supernatural freedom.  He is the unlimited supply of joy, grace and peace. You can count on His love for you to never wain. He is intimate and discreet. His commitment to you is eternal. He heals all your wounds – physically and emotionally.  Best yet, He is a phenomenal leader.  Nothing is impossible. He leads you to your purpose and empowers you along the journey.  All you have to do is depend on Him.

Powerful Beauty Tips

beautiful-black-woman 2How do you define a beautiful woman? Some may describe her by the glow of her skin, the quality of her clothes or the shape of her physique. Others may characterize her by a friendly smile, a loving personality or a warm-hearted demeanor.

By worldly standards, beautiful women are most often measured by their outward appearance regardless of their moral character. Make-up artistry, hair styling and plastic surgery of today can create jaw-dropping presentations. But after all the cover-ups and push-ups are removed, what type of beauty remains?

One way the Word of God describes a beautiful woman is…

Your adornment must not be merely external—with interweaving
and elaborate knotting of the hair, and wearing gold jewelry,
or [being superficially preoccupied with] dressing in expensive clothes;

but let it be [the inner beauty of] the hidden person of the heart,
with the imperishable quality and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit,
[one that is calm and self-controlled, not overanxious,
but serene and spiritually mature]
which is very precious in the sight of God.
– 1 Peter 3:3-4 (Amplified Bible)

According to this scripture, a beautiful woman is defined as poised, kind, compassionate and stress-free.  God sees her as very precious… adored, beloved and highly favored.  Although she still adorns herself outwardly, she nurtures her deep inner spirit that is often unseen.  Because of this, her confidence, influence and fearlessness are powerful! She radiates an everlasting beauty inside and out.

You are beautiful, too! Be lovely in God’s eyes and your beauty will inspire others. Take time to consistently adorn yourself in the spirit with grace, truth and love. Your inner spirit will glow. And though there are many ways to enhance the outer, here a few tips to cultivate the powerful combination of both external and internal beauty.

  • Seek to develop a more intimate relationship with God through daily prayer
  • Drink a glass of water at the start of your day to hydrate from within
  • Clear your heart of any unforgiveness, bitterness or past regrets
  • Have fun trying something new…fragrance, a lip color, hairstyle, etc.
  • Meditate on a scripture that brings you peace
  • Add a new exercise to your fitness routine
  • Esteem and appreciate others to refresh yourself
  • Rest, breathe deeply and rest some more
  • Regulate what you put in your mouth and what comes out
  • Trust God with every area of your life

Take good care of your whole self and remember…your beauty and power are everlasting with God!