The Power in Obedience

Who or what do you obey – give yourself to? What is that something that consumes your heart and feeds your soul?  Fear, anxiety and hate are running rampant.  It is time for love, peace and joy to invade your life.

In the midst of crisis, you can find comfort in complying with righteousness.  Your heart can begin to swell with an inner joy when your mind is consumed with unconditional love. Stop giving yourself to the confused, the divided, the selfish and the undisciplined. Follow a true leader.  Connect to the power source of supernatural blessings, protection and abundance!

Surely you know that you become the slaves
of whatever you give yourselves to.  
Anything or anyone you follow will be your master.
You can follow sin, or you can obey God.
Following sin brings spiritual death,
but obeying God makes you right with him.
– Romans 6:16 (ERV, Easy-To-Read Version)

The good news is you that can begin living a life of obedience today! Your Heavenly Father is always ready to be the authority over your life. There is no waiting list or special requirements.  Come as you are and obey the One who forever loves you!   

The Power of Peace

Can we count on you to introduce peace to a situation or personal interaction?  Are others at ease after having an encounter with you?  This decade has initiated complex challenges, especially to our spiritual and emotional state, and those of our family and friends.  Most of us would appreciate a moment of peace during these chaotic and uncertain times.  As we look to the future, an ongoing test will be our ability to promote and maintain a peaceful life. 

If possible, to the best of your ability,
live at peace with all people.
– Romans 12:18 (Common English Bible)

Making peace with others requires a discipline of emotions, a regulation of the tongue, and a heart to forgive.  Making peace with unexpected circumstances requires a shift in focus, innovations for change, and strong faith.  You can be free from anything that attempts to steal your peace:  fear, anxiety, anger, frustration or past regrets.  Peace provides a freedom from negativity, oppression, stress and conflict.  It is so vital for your victorious living and personal well-being.  

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
– Matthew 5:9 (New International Version)

Blessed [spiritually calm with life-joy in God’s favor] 
are the makers and maintainers of peace,
for they will [express His character and] 

be called the sons of God.
– Matthew 5:9 (Amplified Bible)

You may ask…”Do I have the power to make and maintain peace?”  Yes! You can have peace not only with others, but peace within yourself.  There is One who can show you how.  Now is a perfect time to make acquaintance with Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  There is no need for social distancing with Him.  He wants to be close with you to provide shelter against life disturbances.  He desires to restore and promote you to a new level of joy. The more time you spend with Him, the more love and power will increase in your life.  Friend, access the power of peace today!

Special Note: You may like Psalms 91 for meditation

Power To Regulate

Power to Regulate

Would you like to gain positive control over two vital aspects of life: health and relationships?  Your body performance and interpersonal connections weigh heavily on the proper supervision of a tiny, yet powerful orifice.  If you want these areas to improve, you must regulate what passes through your mouth.

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue
keepeth his soul from troubles.
– Proverbs 21:23

Your mouth, specifically your tongue, will demand its own pleasure if let unbridled.  It is so powerful that it can consume to the detriment of your body.  Poor input management can lead to stress and disease.  For optimal physical health, input regulation is critical.  Your Heavenly Father provides wisdom on what to ingest and supernatural strength for the discipline regulation requires.

However, output governance of your mouth is vital to your spiritual wellness and thriving relationships.  What it transmits has the power to build up and edify or to tear down and destroy. Your mouth can also speak through tweets, posts, comments and other social media platforms.  The more you regulate what your mouth says, the more control you gain over your life.

For those who want to love life and see good days should keep their tongue from evil speaking and their lips from speaking lies.
– 1 Peter 3:10 Common English Bible

Whatever happened to the teaching…If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all?  Even the Word of God advises…

Understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters.
Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful, thoughtful listener],
slow to speak [a speaker of carefully chosen words and],
slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving];
– James 1:19 Amplified Bible

Your joy, peace, well-being and power are directly connected to the content in your mouth.  If you are going to open it, do your best to regulate it.

Power of Gratitude

Have you ever felt the uplifting force of gratitude? Sincere appreciation for little, everyday experiences positively transform your mood and demeanor.  It dismantles toxic emotions.  It overpowers feelings of doubt and despair.  Gratitude can shift the energy to enhance your life.

Let the peace of Christ
[the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him]
be the controlling factor in your hearts
[deciding and settling questions that arise].
To this peace indeed you were called as members in one body [of believers].
And be thankful [to God always]. 
– Colossians 3:15 (Amplified Bible Version)

According to MindValley Academy, “Every study done on the subject of gratitude research has indisputable evidence that gratitude benefits our bodies, minds and souls.”  You may have experienced a feeling of joy or peace while reflecting on the simple things for which you are grateful.  Regardless of your circumstance, gratitude ushers in a positive power to change your life. 

Of the many benefits, I would like to share a few that are personal to me.  


gives you mental strength to overcome obstacles

guards against depression

squashes fear and anxiety

improves sleep and overall well-being

enhances your recovery time after physical and emotional trauma

guides your focus on a positive future and ushers in hope

completely changes your perspective on a situation

connects you to your Heavenly Father more intimately

reminds you of how much you are loved

is the prelude to peace and joy

Today is the perfect day to practice gratitude and experience its transformative power in your life!

Power To Lead

Power To LeadAre you a leader in your community, business, church, home, or workplace?  Are you looking for a more effective leadership style? Leadership is often associated with power.  It requires taking action that others willingly follow.  In the best case scenario, there is a forward action with positive results for all.

Exceptional leaders exhibit a power to influence behavior and change the course of events without dominance or limitations.  They are often studied for their remarkable style or method to accomplish the extraordinary.  Let’s take a look at a few characteristics of a quintessential leader – one still known for His impact on this world…


  1. Humility
    He served others instead of being served. Graciously, he showed compassion towards everyone.  His words liberated instead of suffocated. He never put people down to lift himself up.  Although he had great power and wisdom, he always acknowledged his source and reminded others that it was not solely him whom they were experiencing.

Jesus responded, “My teaching isn’t mine but comes from the one
who sent me.” – John 7:16 (Common English Bible)


  1. Boldness
    He broke a lot of man-made rules and displayed courage in the face of wickedness. He valued truth over legalistic traditions and customs. He was a protector and defender of those less fortunate.  Many people opposed him because he did not always choose a lawful or permissible option.

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them,
“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
– John 8:7 (New International Version)


  1. Empowering
    He did not have the desire to rule over people. Instead, he taught others to love and serve mankind.  His teachings were empowering, not oppressive or controlling. He did not withhold anything good from his followers.  He was a trusted friend and mentor.

I assure you that whoever believes in me will do the works that I do.
They will do even greater works than these because I am going to the Father.
– John 14:12 (Common English Bible


  1. Authentic
    He led by example instead of barking orders. Whether speaking to an outcast or a dignitary, a prostitute or high-ranking official – all who encountered Him met the same person.  He built relationships. He did not compromise his moral values or integrity to fulfill the mission. He was faithful, loyal and respectful to all people.

I have come as a light into the world so that everyone who believes in me
won’t live in darkness. If people hear my words and don’t keep them,
I don’t judge them. I didn’t come to judge the world but to save it.
– John 12:46-47 (Common English Bible

There are many leadership styles to model after, but the leadership style of Jesus has powerful results.


Abuse of Power

Abuse of Power

Have you ever been bullied by a person who claims to be a Christian?

They are initially perceived as kind, but over time and often behind closed doors, a monster emerges.  Either you had or currently have a close relationship with this person through work, family or personal connection.  They distort God’s Word to impose a reckless power and ultimately, try to control you.  After being in their presence, you feel completely drained and disconnected from the awesome love of Christ.

Maybe you can relate to one of these situations:

Your mistakes and flaws are constantly pointed out. Since they have spent a considerable amount of time with you, they know you more intimately than others.  They act as if they are an appointed representative sent by God to judge you…scrutinize you…admonish you…over and over again.  Their vitriol never lets up.  However, no provision is made on their behalf to actually help you grow.  They consistently put you down to lift themselves up.  Their jealousy, bitterness and hypocrisy manifests over time and your “bad” behavior is always to blame.  They desire to keep you under their false power through condemnation, pressure and shame.

This is not the wisdom that comes down from above.
Instead, it is from the earth, natural and demonic.
Wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition,
there is disorder and everything that is evil.
– James 3:14-16 (Common English Bible)

You are isolated from those who truly love and care for you, especially your Heavenly Father.  Their mission is to gain power over your emotions and cause you to feel utterly alone.  They demand to be your only source of validation. This is done through gaslighting, exploitation and an assortment of words to destroy your self-confidence and self-worth.  Their counsel sounds like “enlightenment”, nonetheless, they impose a legalistic standard on you that can never be fulfilled and to which they themselves do not adhere.  They are inconsiderate of your dreams and use your talents for their selfish gain. You begin to question your purpose and feel hopeless.  You avoid fellowship with those you once considered family.  You desperately search for yourself while entangled in their web of manipulation, lies and deception to no avail.

Regardless of the abuse tactic, there is good news:

You can upgrade your life today.  You will never need anyone’s permission to improve your own wellbeing.  Just because they may disapprove or speak something negative over you, it does not mean you have to receive or believe it.  You are no longer subject to the abusive power or harassment of fake Christians.  No longer allow them direct access to your ears for any extended period of time. If you must interact with them on a regular basis, guard your heart from their wicked words.  Replace their words with the promises found in Scriptures.  There is power for the brokenhearted.  Find refuge in the Word and discover the power of God within you!

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you. – Luke 10:19

Peace, health and happiness belong to you.  You are a beloved child of God!  He desires the very best for you.  Renew your personal relationship and spend time with Him through prayer.  Give yourself a daily dose of grace and power to fuel your life-changing, transformation process.  Remember, God will supply a way out of any situation that you will be able to endure.  This process will strengthen you, fill you with compassion and prepare you for good success.  It is never too late to start a new journey with your Heavenly Father!

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits,
without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace
of them that make peace.  – James 3:17-18

Power Women

Power Women

Photo Credit: Deddeh Howard

What makes a woman powerful?  Does her power manifest only in immediate results or long term accomplishments?  Some may answer that it is her ability to make things happen.  Others may contend that it is her selflessness to help others.  Media outlets often recognize powerful women as fierce, tough, strong, smart and wealthy.  As I began to delve into this topic, I reflected on women who I admire and perceive as powerful… women like Harriet Tubman, Queen Esther and my grandmother just to name a few.  To my surprise, there were mutual characteristics that I would use to describe each of them.  Please allow me to share my definition with you.

A powerful woman is…

She shines in the midst of a dark situation, although not always visible to the naked eye. Her brilliance glows through a deeper wisdom and understanding to positively influence her world.  Her faith is strong.  She can blaze a trail without scorching or casting a shadow on others.

Strength and honor are her clothing; she is confident about the future. Her mouth is full of wisdom;  kindly teaching is on her tongue. – Proverbs 31:25-26 Common English Bible

Respectful of Men
She understands the value of both man and woman.  Her self-confidence allows her to work with, lead, follow, help, communicate, care for, be loved by and receive from the opposite sex for a cause greater than herself.  Gender does not hinder her collaborations.

But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the part with less honor
so that there won’t be division in the body
and so the parts might have mutual concern for each other.
If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it;
if one part gets the glory, all the parts celebrate with it.
You are the body of Christ and parts of each other.
 1 Corinthians 12:24-27 Common English Bible

She concentrates on her purpose, more than reacting to others.  Pretense, deceit, slander and strife are not her modus operandi.  Her behavior remains consistent through the storms of life and against evil opposition. She gives her attention to the future and goes forward without trepidation.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear,
but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment
and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm,
well-balanced mind and self-control].
 – 2 Timothy 1:7 Amplified Bible

Wow, it is amazing to think of the power God gave to us all!  I’d love to hear your description or examples of “power women” in the comments!

3D Art Panel TV Wall DIY

Thumbnail 3d wall art 8-17 copy

Ready for a DIY using 3D BoardArt Panels?  Here are the steps my husband and I took to build a TV wall and change the look of our family entertainment center.  Our goal was to give it a more theater feel and make use of the high wall space due to vaulted ceilings.  Like most DIY projects, our makeover had to be budget friendly!   This was also the first time we ever built something from wood for our home!  There were a few mistakes along the way, but we learned from them and are ready to share this project with you!   If you prefer a visual, check out this YouTube video: 3D ART PANEL TV WALL DIY.   You will be amazed at what your imagination can create!

DIY Skill Level:  MEDIUM – this is a 2 person project

All materials were purchased from our local home improvement store and Amazon.  For your convenience, links are provided to the products that were purchased online.  Here is our list of project purchases and approximate costs:

  • 3D BoardArt Panels (2 boxes of 12 panels each) – $30 – $60 per box depending on style
  • Luminoodle TV and Monitor Bias Lighting for a 50” TV – $25
  • 2”x 3.5” 8ft wood posts (4) – $12
  • 4’x 4’ underlayment panels (4) – $36
  • Spray primer (2 cans) – $18
  • Premium primer ( 1 gal) – $25
  • Loctite power grab glue – $4
  • Metallic spray paint (5 cans) -$20
  • Black spray paint (1 can) – $4
  • Wood marker – $6
  • Velcro – $3

Here are tools we already had:

  • L-shaped framing square
  • Hand saw
  • Power drill and wood screws
  • Face mask
  • Wood cleaning supplies
  • caulk gun

Step One: Transform Old Console

The idea was not to spend money to purchase a new television console unit, but to use funds to makeover our existing one.  The latter allowed us to do much more with less.  First, we removed the side towers from our old entertainment system.  This required us to remove all the components and outdated stash of VHS movies and tape cassettes that were hidden deep in the wooden fortress. (Yay! This project caused us to declutter!)  The new configuration included the installation of a swivel TV mount and sound bar.  Note: Be sure to check the TV owner’s manual and select the recommended mount manufacturer. Not all “universal” mounts fit all TVs – this is a lesson we learned.

Old TV Console

Our newly re-created TV console measured about 9.5 feet across.  Due to the high ceiling, we wanted our backdrop to be at least 6 feet high and cover the length of the new console.  We had an idea to make two separate backdrops that join in the center.  Each side of the backdrop would slide in and out for easy accessibility to connections in the back of the TV.  That was the extent of our customized dimensions.

Step Two: Build Backdrop

Now it was time to visit our local home improvement store and check out the wood section.  We saw 2”x 3.5” wood posts that were 8ft tall.  Perfect! There was also a 4’x4’ underlayment that we could foresee attaching to the posts.  Using scrap paper, we drew a version of our backdrop frame based on the dimensions of the pre-cut wood findings.  We decided our backdrop would use two (2) 8ft posts that would stand approximately four feet apart with two (2) 4’x 4’ underlayment pieces for each side of the backdrop.  In total, four posts plus four underlayment pieces.  Before leaving, we picked up some glue and paint.

Construction time!  Since the backdrop needed to lay flush against the wall, we cut out a notch at the bottom of the posts to clear for the baseboards.  The underlayment was then screwed onto the wood posts.

build the backdrop

Step Three: Add 3D Art Panels

After comparing textured wallpaper options, we decided on 3D BoardArt panels to feature on the backdrop.  A few reasons for this choice were its sound proofing characteristics, texture, and the ability to paint and personalize the look.  Plus, we wanted to try something we never worked with before.  There are definitely pros and cons to that decision. Lol!

3D art panel arrangment

While sticking the panels to the underlayment, we realized we were using way too much glue.  Excess seeped out from around the panel edges when pressed down.  We learned that construction glue must be wiped off immediately and that paint does not cover its sticky residue.  If we had been more careful, we probably could have skipped priming a second time before painting.  Panels now had to be carefully scraped to remove dried residue without damaging the surface.  In the end, we had to prime twice.

Step Four: Cut Out Opening for TV Mount

The 3D BoardArt panels were approximately 20 inches wide and our backdrop was approximately 48 inches wide for each side.  When we glued three panels across the top of one side, the 3rd panel had an overhang of about 12 inches.  The overhang was perfect to allow for the top panels to join and still have an opening space for the TV mount in the middle.  One side of the backdrop became 60 inches across so the total width would be 10ft once both sides were joined together!  Height wise, we tiled the panels on the underlayment down to approximately 1.5 feet from the bottom.  Two reasons: TV console was slightly taller than two feet to cover the bare underlayment and (more importantly) we did not have enough panels to cover the entire underlayment to reach the floor.

One side of the backdrop was brought in to measure the panel that would fit around the TV mount.  We used a L-shaped framing square to cut out a customized opening.  Now the focus was to duplicate the backdrop for the other side.  However, notches, overhanging panels and openings needed to be reversed.  No problem.  The second (left) side backdrop was much easier to construct due to our right side experiences.  

Step Five: Prime and Paint

The first round of priming was done with a spray primer.  Unfortunately, the light coat did not cover all the residue left in the seams on the right side of the backdrop.  When we tried to use the metallic silver paint on a small section, the silver paint would not adhere to any spots of remaining residue.  We decided to use a thicker primer and apply it with a paint roller.  Thankfully, this solved the problem.  When we built the second side of the backdrop, we reduced the glue and did not use any caulk between the 3D BoardArt panels.  The second (left) side only required one coat of the thicker primer before spraying with metallic silver paint.

prime and paint step

Step Six: Secure Panels

Both sides of the backdrop were joined together once they were painted and dried.  Velcro was used to connect the overhanging panels.  This allowed the panels to hang flush with each side.   The Velcro allowed for easy disconnection of the two sides of the backdrop.  This was beneficial for accessing TV cords.  In the future, we may decide to relocate the entertainment center.  Both sides of the TV wall backdrop can conveniently move with it.

SPECIAL NOTE:  Hubby decided to add LED lighting to enhance our new entertainment center.  He used a Luminoodle product that was easy, quick and affordable.  Check out this video if you are interested to see how to add colorful ambient lighting to your TV:  Easy LED Light DIY Install for $25

Step Seven: Finish Touch-ups

Next, we touched up scratches and scuffs on the renovated console with a wood marker.  Wood cleaning and polishing products were used to bring out its natural shine.  Lastly, we painted the knobs to change up the look.

Final pic of console with tv wall

Overall, we were pleased at how our first 3D BoardArt panel backdrop DIY turned out.  This TV wall project sparked our imagination as to what other uses these panels could be used for.  Please share if you have some ideas!

final backdrop

If this DIY was helpful, please share this blog post and YouTube video with your friends!  I would love to hear your comments and I am always grateful for your “likes” and support!

Mirror Makeover DIY


Are you ready for an easy DIY project?  Then, this mirror makeover is for you!  Here are the steps I took to refresh an old, builder grade mirror in our guest bathroom for under $40.   If you prefer a visual, check out this YouTube video:  Mirror DIY with Square Mosaic Glass Tiles.  All materials can be purchased at your local home improvement store.  I was so pleased at how my very first mirror DIY turned out.  You will be delighted at what you can do, too!

DIY skill level:  EASY!

Items needed:

  • glass cleaner $1
  • tape measure $1
  • small, mosaic tiles $5-12 per sheet
  • double-sided/two-side mounting tape $7 -10 per roll
  • scissors $1

Approx. total cost:   $37

1. Measure the four sides or perimeter of your mirror

  • decide how many rows of tile you want to make your frame. (I used 2 rows)
  • take those measurements to your local home improvement store to purchase square, mosaic tiles of your choice

2. Select your square, mosaic tile sheet

  • lightweight, square tiles with a flat surface adhere tighter and easier
    (I used Elida Ceramica Coral Light Uniform Squares Mosaic Glass/Metal/Stone Marble Wall Tile that I got on sale)
  • use your measurements and number of rows to determine how much tile you will need to create your mirror frame
    (the store associate helped me with the math to determine that I needed 2 sheets of mosaic tile according to my measurements)

3. Select your double-sided, mounting tape scotch-tape-pic-for-blog-post

  • make sure it is mounting tape that can hold at least 5lbs
    (sometimes referred to as two-sided tape)
  • make sure the tape thickness is adequate for the size of your tiles
    (I used .75in tape for 1in tiles)
  • make sure you have enough tape length for your measurements and row thickness
    (I only needed 1 roll of tape in the picture)

4. Clean your mirror thoroughly with glass cleaner

5. Cut the mounting tape to create a frame all around the perimeter of your mirror

  • do not remove the front side of the tape until you are ready to put on the tiles
  • you can make your frame as thick as you like
    (I used 2 rows of tape for my mirror)


6. Layout your tiles

  • pull off tiles from the netting and create the pattern you desire before putting the tiles on the tape
    (this step is important if you have multi-color tiles that you want to create a special design with on your mirror)
  • double check to make sure you have enough tiles to complete the mirror frame
  • laying out the tiles beforehand makes it easier and quicker to apply
    (I learned the hard way)

7. Begin to add tiles to the mirror tape frame

  • pull the backing from the tape in a small area
  • gently apply each tile one area at a time, then step back to eye your work
    (tiles can be re-positioned easier if you do not press hard…I learned the hard way…again)
  • repeat the process until mirror frame is complete
  • press all tiles firmly and securely on mounting tape

SPECIAL NOTE:  Most mirrors no longer use mirror clips to secure mirrors.  However, if you do have them like me, DO NOT REMOVE.  They are necessary although not cute. Your options include tiling around, painting or covering them.  I used a Dremel tool to cut a metal tile to cover mine.  You can click on this  Small Bathroom Renovation DIY YouTube video link (@ 5:22min) to see how this was done.


8. Admire your new Mirror DIY!

  • clean your mirror and mosaic tile frame with glass cleaner
  • pat yourself on the back
  • add new bathroom accents to compliment your decor if you’d like
  • invite friends and family to share in your DIY joy

If this DIY was helpful, please share this blog post and video with your friends!  I would love to hear from you!  Please connect with me in the form below.

Thankful always!


Looking for Love

couple walking on beach

Many people are looking for that one true love. A good mate can contribute to a healthy, happy and prosperous life. I am amazed at how far some people will go just to experience love. Opening your heart to love and to be loved by someone special is a very important decision. Who we love is so significant, great care and wisdom should be taken before we proceed.

Consult with the One who is love.

I could have avoided serious heartaches if I only consulted with God before entering into a relationship. I did not understand that He wanted to be the lead in every area of my life, especially my love life. The internet, friends, clubs and social events were once the trusted source for finding companionship. I never thought that God could or would find a mate for me.

God is concerned with who you love and who loves you.

After looking for love in all the wrong places, I finally realized I had to open my heart and trust God.  I shared with Him what I was looking for in the man I would like to marry. No topic was spared…personality, character, height, sexual intimacy, family values, financial acumen, health, hobbies, spirituality, food preferences, physical strength, vocal tone, love language, etc. God listened to all my desires and qualifications. I even wrote them down and confessed them. I was excited and ready to meet this awesome man I had envisioned.  However, the Holy Spirit revealed another step in my quest for love that I had never before considered.

Pray for your mate before you meet them.

Initially, I was unsure how to pray for someone who I did not know even existed. My faith had to believe that this person was real and in need of prayer. I knew of all of his good attributes since I requested them, but I did not consider the areas where he may have weaknesses. Praying for him took the focus away from my desires and taught me a deeper level of compassion. We all are in need of prayer for something and true love covers all. I began to pray for my future husband, trusted God and waited patiently for Him to bring us together.  I know that even the best marriages should be covered in continuous prayer. I am glad God prepared me ahead of time. Prayer is powerful!

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation;
continuing instant in prayer;
distributing to the necessity of saints;
given to hospitality. – Romans 12:12-13

If you are looking for love, I encourage you to consult with God first and begin praying for your future mate. To read more on the power of prayer, go to Week 28: Pray and Give Thanks in the Power Over All book.