Power To Move Forward – Part Two

anchored-boat-230x300 BWYou can move forward and live victoriously with the amazing power of God!  As mentioned in Part One, moving forward requires leaving the past behind.  Letting go is not always easy, but if you do, you will be free to access a new future.

Why is it so difficult to let go of the past?

The past wants to be a permanent anchor in your life.  Not a shiny, robust one that stabilizes you during the storms of life; but an old, rusty one that consumes your soul.  It securely attaches itself to your pain, shame, regrets, negative emotions and your flesh (a carnal mindset).  It is a stubborn reminder of your imperfections and the person you no longer want to be.  This anchor is heavy and burdensome.

At times you think you are making forward progress, but you realize you are only going around in circles.  You can spend years entangled in its existence.  This anchor constrains and blocks you from reaching your future destination. It redirects your hopes and dreams, causing you to miss the path God has specifically mapped out for you.  It is a faith destroyer.  An anchor of this magnitude requires supernatural assistance to retrieve.

How do I let go of it?

Go to God.  He is the only one who can redeem you from your past.  He will heal you of all your wounds.  He will protect you.  He will strengthen you.  He will deal justly with all who have harmed you.  God will restore you! Your anchor of the past will no longer exist.  Instead, you will discover your spiritual anchor, grounded in the Word of God, keeping you on course toward success and teaching you how to thrive.

For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot;
yea, thou shalt be steadfast, and shalt not fear:
Because thou shalt forget thy misery,
and remember it as waters that pass away: – Job 11:15-16

I am thankful that God was the only one to free me from my deep-rooted anger.  Much of me was still chained to that rusty, old anchor of the past.  I began the process of letting go by drawing closer to God.  I had to trust Him with every aspect of my life.  I had to think higher thoughts.  I had to accept His grace and forgive.  The more I sought out God and…

His Love,

His Ways,

His Words,

and His Power

the more my heart was opened to the new direction God had for me.  My soul was liberated and I was finally able to take steps forward.  You can move forward, too.  My prayer is that you let God in and allow Him to release you from the past.  It is time to live victoriously!

If you want to learn more on how to move forward with God, go to Week 26: Look Ahead in the Power Over All book.

(Remember the discount code found in the post – Thank You For Power dated June 21, 2013)

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